perjantai 8. helmikuuta 2008

Natural Birth: The Missing Keys to Understanding You

Life Mastery Series Helsinki, Finland
13 Feb 2008. 18:00-20:00. Wednesday

Natural Birth: The Missing Keys to Understanding You

Spiritual teacher/psychologist Dave Oshana lectures on the vital role of natural childbirth in securing a happy, healthy, well-balanced personality.

Mothers and fathers are encouraged to protect the development of their young by gently allowing the child's full potential to manifest.

Adults can recover their own lost vitality, awareness and purpose when they understand and transform the causes of unhappiness, fear and restriction.

Together we can ensure a better society for our old age and future incarnations if we start planting the seeds of love and happiness today.

This second lecture in the Life Mastery Lecture Series gives an awareness of the happiness of babies. Other lectures focus on the happiness of you, your partners, babies, children and eventually the whole planet.

Dave Oshana is a spiritual teacher and psychology graduate with additional training in counselling, psychotherapy, body therapies and movement arts. His Oshana Energy-Work system has been featured in Anna-lehti. Oshana teaches a fully comprehensive belief-free results-based spiritual system which involves direct experience and practical living.

Paasivuorenkatu 8 D, sisäpiha
00530 Helsinki

10 mins from Central Railway Station or 3 mins from Hakaniemi Metro

Entry: 15€ (10€ unemployed)
Please arrive early to gain entry and a seat.
Doors shut after meeting begins.

There will be time to ask questions to Dave, register for more events in Finland and buy lecture CDs.

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